We've developed some names for some of Seville's special talents. My personal favorite:

I laugh every time she does it (that is... sneeze and fart simultaneously). I know, I'm so mature. There's also the "
fough" and the "
farcup" which happen less often, but are equally funny.
Speaking of bodily functions, what are we supposed to call the regular version now that we have a kid? I can't bring myself to refer to Seville as having "farted," nor can I abide the idea of a little child running around using that word. I mean, I've never even been really comfortable with it myself, for gosh sake.
When I was a kid, we called it a "bomb," a word that came from my mother's childhood in an English boarding school. It seemed totally normal to me all my life, but I realize it's weird to most Americans. And it certainly is weird to Jared. Other possibilities that hail from my British relatives include: "fluff" and "dust." I have stories of my stuffy English Grandmother turning up her royal nose and demanding, "did you dust?" (yes, royal. My English side is/was nobility, so imagine the scandal in a polite noble household.)
Jared suggested using "pass gas," but that's a) too cumbersome and, b) too adult/medical. It's like referring to poop as a bowel movement or sex as intercourse. Not things I'm going to have a child running around saying (I guess she hopefully won't be referring to sex for several years anyway. Especially since Jared says Seville's not allowed to date until she's 30 years old. still.)

Other rejects:
Cut the Cheese (too adolescent),
Break Wind (too... I dunno), and
Barking Spiders (did anyone else use that one, or is that a Bryce Pixton Original?)
I've experimented with the word "toot" and it seems like the most likely champion. Even though I couldn't stand it as a kid when my friends called it that. It seems to fit a cute baby the best. Does anybody have any good suggestions?