I had walked out the door that morning to beautiful streaming sunshine. Not a cloud in the sky!
In Portland? In February?!
We had just ended a record-long streak of straight rain and gray. I don’t think I’d seen the sun since November. My heart instantly grew three sizes.
I took in the sunshine for a moment. My very first flowers were blooming (there was actually a bumble bee in one of them), I could hear a mess of birds chirping in the tree nearby, the breeze blew slightly. Aaaaah! I rejoiced for a moment. Then I sighed, walked to my car, and drove to work.

oh. wait.
“...and on the seventh day thou shalt rest...” (Exodus 23:12, King James Translation)
There is actually a commandment that we stop working and enjoy life once in a while. Crazy.
Crazier still, is that pretty much everything God has told us is designed to help us enjoy life and have joy. Immature, adolescent, defiant godlings that we are, we’ve twisted most of our Creator’s direction into guilt-provoking prohibitions. Pity.
Well, I for one am going to have joy. I’m taking the whole day off in two days!! Oh, wait. That’s Sunday. Well, I take every Sunday off! Ha!
Praise God!

Yeah, I enjoy my Sun-days. And when the weekend is done, sometimes I still need a little time to myself to reflect and recoop. I call it Mon-day. Yea mon. This mon enjoys his mon days.
I totally agree with SUN-days!
too bad we cant have SUN-days on wednesdays.....
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