Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jared Thinks I'm Hot

And, bless his heart, he tells me this often. But there are two kinds of hot (especially when we are in bed):

There is the "I want to touch your body" kind of hot, and then there's the "I don't want to touch your body, keep it away from me, stay on your side of the bed, I like my sheets cold!" kind of hot. I often don't know which one he means. I know, I know... you'd think it would be obvious to me, his wife. But Jared is a subtle guy. He would tell me that I'm attractive or that he wants to get it on in the same dry manner that he would tell me that he wants me to stay on my side of the bed so he can sleep without my body heat disturbing his cool slumber.



Stargirl said...

James is the hot one; I'm always cold, so I snuggle up next to him, and my feet freeze his legs and he tries pushing me away! But he says he's so warm because he's full of love. Does that mean I'm void of it? :(

Iron Chef Boyardee said...

Well, I do refer to you as my black hole of love... I pour in more and more, but your thirst is never slaked.

Jason and Emily said...


good word.

(is it a word?)

Stargirl said...

Yes, "slaked" is a word. It's in one of my favorite poems!
"River, well, pond or tank,
even if shallow
is like the sea for one
whose thirst it can slake.
So what counts is help
whether it comes from those in power
or from the powerless."
Bihari, from "The Satasai"