Saturday, December 22, 2007

Away with Word Verification!!

Like most people, when I first started this blog I would get comments like this:

"Hey I like your blog. Check mine out at"

...or some such thing. Thus, I turned on the word verification feature to weed out those annoyances. Since I've had a child, though, I've noticed how much effort it takes to type (usually one-handed). It makes me do more one-word comments. And more importantly, if there's word verification, sometimes I have foregone commenting altogether. Not on purpose really -- I just don't have the time.

So for the sake of single-handed moms everywhere, I'm getting rid of word verification! No more! It's been off for several weeks now, and I've had no solicitous comments. I think since it's not a new blog, it's no longer necessary. Anyway, I invite anyone else to try it, and let me know how it goes. Just curious if this is something we only need at the beginning when you can look up new blogs. Or if you're inclined to leave it, just enjoy the word-verification-free commenting on my blog. Feel the freedom? Can you taste it? It just makes you want to comment like crazy, don't it?


Emily said...

Thank you Sista! I'm so feeling ya.
I used to get those solicitations too but now it's really rare. I figure its just as well to delete them when they come.

Stargirl said...

Commenting!! Yay!

Sometimes, though, one of the word verification things looks similar to a real word, and a few times it't been dirty. That makes me chuckle. I will join you in your word-verification rejection!

Iron Chef Boyardee said...

In the interests of keeping my blog as difficult and annoying as possible, I am contemplating having double word verification. Perhaps something involving caricature drawing.

kaarina said...

heh heh...

cool, so easy, especially if you're already logged in!

Jason and Emily said...

I'm with you too. Where are you these days, girlfriend?