This is what we're supposed to say when we sense an argument coming on from now on. The other night it was about whether the original words to the song are "popcorn popping right before my eyes!" or "blossoms popping right before my eyes!"
This little spiff, believe it or not, got rather heated. So, we decided that desperate times call for desperate measures (or stupid people call for stupid solutions). Since neither of us seems to inherently have the maturity in the moment to recognize that we're not mad about the issue at hand, but rather about things like being respected, feeling heard, etc., we developed this mantra, which we're supposed to recite together after either of us has sounded the "conflict alarm."
"Honey I love you.
Your opinion is valuable to me and I respect your experience and feelings.
It is OK if you don't agree with me.
If one of us is swayed in our opinion, I will be gracious, and not boastful."
Pretty good, huh? The funny thing is, neither of us ever actually calls the other one "Honey," so I'm sensing the possibility for sarcasm right away. Also, I guess we'll just have to see if it works at all. I mean, I'm never thinking "uh oh, I sense a conflict coming on. I'd better lovingly point it out." No. I'm always just thinking things like, "I"m SO right here! Oh! Oh! That was the stupidest point ever! Doesn't he see the flaw in his reasoning? Wait. Let ME tell you how it is, buddy!" (or something like that).
I have faith in Jared though. He'll sound the alarm. He's good at being mature. Even when I'm not.
No. Seriously. I jest. We can quip about who is more mature. But the truth of the matter is... the words "popcorn popping right before my eyes" are just better, even if they're not the ones in the children's hymnal! I mean the whole point of the song is the metaphor, right? If you have to spell it out for the idiot children who don't understand the whole blossoms-look-kinda-like-popcorn concept, then it ruins the poetry of the song! What kind of morons would change the words?! Morons who don't understand and appreciate artistry, that's who! Morons who are out to destroy all that is good and beautiful in the world! Morons who might be right historically, but that doesn't make them right artistically! That's who! So there. hmph.
um er sorry, but
its "popcorn popping on the apricot tree"
I hope this doesnt fuel another fire...
you and jared are such nerds. first a marriage mantra.
next thing you know you two will start singing primary songs to each other...
If memory serves, you're both actually right. I learned it as a kid as "popcorn popping right before my eyes"... but when they redid the hymnals in the late 80's (when the green ones we use now came out) I think they changed it to blossoms. Now since Skye's a cradle robber, it's easy to see where there would be a difference of opinion and perception there. :)
So, we seem to have resolved the debate. But first, let me clarify the issue: I said that the song says "blossoms" in the new Children's Songbook AND the older Orange Songbook. Skye's position was that the original lyric was "popcorn" and not "blossoms." Actually, her original argument was that "blossoms" was never in any of the Songbooks. I quickly dispelled that as I pulled out the current Children's Songbook. She was in disbelief when I showed her.
But anyhow...
We don't have an Orange Children's Songbook. However, we have word from Eric Snider's mother that the Orange Songbook did indeed say "blossoms." So I was right about that. She also says that the original lyrics said "popcorn" and not "blossoms."
So, as James so diplomatically points out, we were both right. But to clarify, the Orange Songbook was published in the early 70s (before either Skye or I was born). So, Skye's cradle robbing notwithstanding, the difference in age is actually not a relevant distinction here.
I love my wife.
man what a day I've had. I read a book about a girl with an eating disorder, and another story about a teen suicide, I called a radio station and told them that their racist comments yesterday were quite offensive, I sang my spiced up version of happy birthday to Joanna on the phone, and then came here to read about blossoms and popping popcorn.
Funny and seriously...I'm exhausted.
Sorry... I didn't mean for that to sound so depressing. I guess I just feel so dazzled by all the things and emotions and experiences that can happen in just a day. Your discussion with Jared is actually extremely important, as important as the other things I mentioned. I didn't mean for it to sound belittling or insignificant or "compared", because I meant for the exact opposite. I don't know if I'm making any sense, so I'll just stop.
I love this mantra...it's so sophisticated and simple. I love the gracious part! I will use this myself, if you don't mind...when I find someone as dazzling and comforting and irrefutably right for me to marry as Jared is for you Skye. I love these glimpses into you both. I love you.
THE FINAL WORD (for anyone who still comes back to read this):
We did our research and got our hands on original documents. The original words to the song were "Popcorn Popping." However, the church changed the words in the ORANGE songbook in the 70's. So most of us who sang "Popcorn popping" as kids sang it that way because our song leaders either didn't know about the change or boycotted it (like I did as primary chorister last year).
So like Jared said, we're both right. Kinda.
I am sooo glad I found this blog. My wife and I have been arguing about this and I was about to the point where I thought I was insane. It WAS "popcorn popping," I knew it!!!!
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