Sunday, March 12, 2006

"Sunday Night" at Skye's

Talking to Emily Potter on the phone (she's the litle blue glow behind our feet.

Feet (in order of appearance, I think): Skye, Emily, Keith, Kaarina, Bryce, Audrey (Jared & James were also in the room somewhere)


Iron Chef Boyardee said...

My foot would be the black blob behind the pink sock on the right.

Jason and Emily said...

Thank you for letting me kiss your feet so intimately! Go to my blog to see your kiss...

Tamara said...

I love the socks and ambiance! :)

luminainfinite said...

It was on my birthday!

Look at the power of March 12th!

good girl for having the party skye, I'm sorry I didn't call in to attend, I didn't realize it was happening. I just celebrated without realizing...