January 17th, 2007, 10:02pm, arrived Seville Megan 6lbs 14oz, and very very cute.
Mommy and Baby, just after birth. As Jared put it, it was a little more "adventurous" than we'd planned. She was born a little early by emergency c-section (no, this was not like E.R. with George Clooney-like doctors running down hallways calling other hot nurses to hurry up and save lives. Nevertheless, it had to happen pretty quickly -- a story I'll tell later)
1 Hour old.
Mommy looking at Baby
Little Seville sucks on Daddy's fingers.
Mommy & Baby day 2

Oh yay! Oh yay oh yay!!
I've been waiting oh so impatiently for an update. I'm so happy for you all! Welcome, little Seville!
SKYE! She's GORGEOUS! You both look healthy and I'm so glad for that! Congratulations. I can't wait to meet her!
Our Seville?
I want to talk to you. I hope it's soon. Monday evening, will you be at the hospital still? If you're near skype, Lumina and I are going to try to call you 12:15 p.m. our time.
These pictures are taking my breath away.
I love this name.
I love this name's meaning.
I love this legacy.
(tears, again)
I want to hear it all from you. What are you feeling about her name? Tell me in words, as best you can. I want to know your thought processes, your reflections, your conversations with Jared about it, your other choices you considered.
I want to love her, truly and deeply. May I love you, Seville Megan Engstrom? May I know you? For a lifetime?
My name is Emily Ann Potter, and I love you.
(many many tears...need new tissue)
It hurts me that I'm not there. Why am I not there? Lumina and I actually considered flying there from here together. (again...) Just one more possibility. Unfortunately, some possibilities take much more planning to make happen than we allotted that one.
Skye. Jared. Seville.
Who are you? Do you know the story... no, stories of your name?
Do you know us? Will you love me too? I can't wait to see you, because you already said yes.
Skye, we'll talk soon. Thank you to whoever made these photos happen so quickly after her birth.
Thank you for being safe and healthy... phew.
Thank you, Universe, for Skye in my life, to make it so I cry over a keyboard at night with so many tears rolling down my cheeks.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I just looked through all your flicker photos. Wow a slice of your life! You really get around and travel, don't you...
Congratulations Skye, Jared & little girl Seville
We are so happy for you all
and amazed at the blonde baby :)
Oh happy happy happiness!
Big congrats guys. we're really excited for you.
ummm, do you know how many blog sites i had to go through in search to find yours--to find out about this baby that i just knew happenend and was/is beautiful? well, i guess point is i found you and yeah! congratulations! remember i am an excellent babysitter! and i am also excited to come over and make cookies with both of the women of the household! congrats to you too, jared!
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