Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Stupid Wife Things

Last night it rained all night like crazy. I drove Jared's car home from a party, for reasons not important here, and like the quintissential wife, I did a stupid-wife-thing and left the headlights on. I also didn't park it in the garage because I could see a bike encroaching on the car space (Jared's car is wider and harder to fit in the garage than mine, I didn't want to risk scratching it, and I was too lazy to get out and move the bike).

Why do wives always do stupid things? When I was single, I was brilliantly smart, and did everything in a self-actuating, independent and intelligent manner.

Now that I'm a wife, I do stupid wife-things.

So this morning Jared's car 1) wouldn't start, and 2) was flooded and soaking inside from the rain.

My fault. Well... the battery being dead is my fault. The flooding is an unrelated problem that coincided by coincidence (hey, those words are, like, the same word!), but it took us all morning to figure that out.

I'm secretly happy about the car problems because Jared was home for an extra couple hours morning. I love mornings with Jared. But I don't have the discipline to get up 2 hours earlier than I need to just to talk to him while he gets dressed and reads cnn.com.

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