Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Richard Parker investigates the Snow

What is this stuff?
I think I'll just hang out here under this tree, thank you. I'm not sure what's going on around here.
After a while he disappeared. I could see his tracks, mostly next to the house where there wasn't much snow, from when he was nervous about walking in it.
Then I saw where he went. Apparently he discovered that snow is good for "pouncing," and ran all around the yard trying to chase birds (bad kitty!). I'm not sure if you can see it here very well, but my whole yard looks like one of those Family Circus cartoons with little dots wherever Richard Parker went. It's so funny.

... don't worry. Pretty soon we'll have a real baby and won't be weird "cat people" who think other people think their cat pictures are cute. I know you don't. I know to you-all Richard Parker just looks like every other cat in the world. But he's REALLY cute, I swear!
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Stargirl said...

Well, James and I are the weird skunk people, so you'll never have to worry about filling that niche in our group of friends. :)
And yes, Richard Parker IS adorable! And I always think it's hilarious when little baby animals discover snow for the first time. (My blog has several pics of Toby from yesterday.)

Tamara said...

I love weird cat people! :) (gee... there's a surprise)
Your kitty is SOOOOOO cute! I want to pet him and snuggle with him! I love it! I hope his paws didn't get too cold!

Jason and Emily said...

I turned into a cat person in Missoula when I had a cat at my home for the first time. "We" understand.

Jason and Emily said...

Richard Parker's name will definitely always be a bit stunning to me. I remember listening to "Life of Pi" on tape and finding out who Richard Parker really was and I screamed very loudly in my car...
